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NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

目 錄療癒泉力 一.療癒是趨吉避凶的唯一出路二.你決定往那個方向,那個力量就會一直跟著你 三.一個想法和做法之別,就產生不一樣的結果 四.想要得到幸福的前提就是做好自我療..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

目 錄療癒泉力 一.療癒是趨吉避凶的唯一出路二.你決定往那個方向,那個力量就會一直跟著你 三.一個想法和做法之別,就產生不一樣的結果 四.想要得到幸福的前提就是做好自我療..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

本書特色 ◇1080字的人生之道,落實在日常行住坐臥中。◇說明文字貼近生活,搭配線條筆觸簡單的插圖,全面傳達「成功人生,皆由小處做起」的內涵。◇選錄27則名人佳句,讀..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

內容簡介   1、一本生命之鑰,解開你我千年迷惑,帶你品嘗豐富人生的難得教材! 超脫釋、道、儒、密及基督等信仰派別,讓讀者重拾生命簡單的真義! 用感恩..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

2016一個全新的觀點,帶來了疾病的另一種解答  由於大自然被大肆的被破壞與污染丶黑心食品丶化學肥料及藥物濫用所產生的毒素,佈滿了整個細胞的生存環境,造成細胞中毒的現象。  我們雖然吃很多的食物,但所..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

內容簡介   1、一本生命之鑰,解開你我千年迷惑,帶你品嘗豐富人生的難得教材! 超脫釋、道、儒、密及基督等信仰派別,讓讀者重拾生命簡單的真義! 用感恩..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

作者簡介太陽盛德(Ted Sun)  主修電機工程,現旅居美國。自幼喜學宗教真理,十四歲時由耶教入門,開始幾十年的心靈追尋之旅,涉獵包括佛、道、儒、耶、密。二○○五年奇遇恩師Friend G,開啟了靈..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

內容簡介因為關懷,所以創造一套體現設計思考精神的「發明家人物傳記」他用創意,改善了許多人的生活  他在三歲那年因意外導致雙腿嚴重萎縮,從此只能像隻小鱷魚般匍匐在地上爬行,  然而,身高只有80公分的他..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

書        名:啟蒙文學輯要│光慧經典大字注音讀本3│有注音 I &nbs..

NAN% Promotion of good books 0 yuan to share, encourage parents to read ~ 94i share "reading", "Yue read" to share, corporate social responsibility,

《孩子,一個都不放棄》人類中有不幸的人,並不是一件最不幸的事; 沒有人替他們說話,才是最不幸的事!──李家同 .爸爸早逝,媽媽跑了!曉筠和曉婷兩姊妹跟阿嬤相依為命,有時孩子迫於生命..

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